As members of All Saints Catholic Church, we are faced with a challenge that we can only overcome together. Redesigning our facility to provide additional public space and enhancing the experience of our current community and student body are important goals to each and every member of the All Saints family.
We have established a total capital campaign goal of $12 million. While this seems like a large amount, participation by all parish family members will make this goal not only attainable but surpassable.
Pledges to date: $11.1M
(as of 3/23/2025)
A gift of $75 a month (a little more than $2 a day) over the next 60 months (five years) will help us achieve our goal. Some of us have been especially blessed by the Lord with our material means. We ask those who can give at a higher level, to prayerfully discern your ability to make pledges at a higher level.
The success of this parish-wide effort will depend on each of us doing what we can to give so that together we can accomplish our goal.
To assist you as you consider making a pledge to this campaign, we have provided some suggested
giving plans.
We understand that each individual or family has different financial obligations and abilities.
Even so, one of these plans should fit within the means of each member of the parish family.
Please consider which plan best fits your monthly budget. Remember, this campaign is based on equal sacrifice—not equal giving.
If each family makes a truly sacrificial gift, we will reach and exceed our goal together.
Your commitment to the All Saints Together as One Capital Campaign is in addition to your weekly contribution. Beginning in March 2025, payment reminders will be mailed according to your payment preference. Your pledge payments may be made over a 60-month (five-year) period.
There are numerous ways to financially contribute to fulfilling your pledge. These are some of the options provided to donors:
Please contact the parish office to discuss giving opportunities or for assistance in setting up your payment plan.