Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist where all are welcome to come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and night. This can be through personal prayer, reading the bible, reading other prayerful books and materials, or just having a quiet peaceful time with Jesus. Adoration is held in St. Mary’s Chapel during the day and the John Paul II Chapel at night.
Spend an hour with Jesus!
Receive grace. Give thanks. Find joy.
Ideally, we prefer two people to be present for each adoration hour. Currently, many of our hour timeslots only have one person. Having two adorers for each hour gives you someone to rely on if you cannot attend. See the schedule where there is only one adorer and sign up below!
Mass intentions to honor loved ones living or deceased are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, with or without the $7 suggested stipend per Mass offered. Requests for multiple Masses for the same intention will be honored, if possible.
Contact the parish office at 952.469.4481 or stop by during office hours to request a Mass Intention.
Praise & Worship Night with Adoration is generally held once a month at 7pm in St. Mary’s Chapel. Join us for fellowship, inspiring music, and time with Jesus!
Upcoming Dates:
Apr 24 | May 22 | Jun 7
The All Saints Prayer Network includes several members who dedicate themselves to praying for the needs of the community and the world. Anyone can contact the Network and ask for prayers for specific personal, family, or community needs. Names and details can be shared to the extent that the requester is comfortable. Anonymity is okay, and confidentiality is respected.
The Prayer Network uses a phone and email tree to get the word out to its members. Specific needs are held in prayer for two weeks or as long as requested. Anyone who would like to join the Prayer Network is welcome.
Click the button below or call Janet at 952.435.5711, or Linda at 952.469.3804.
All Saints Garden Prayer Guide
We invite you to encounter God in the All Saints gardens! This self-guided garden tour is designed to showcase the five beautiful gardens around the All Saints campus and encourage their use for prayer and quiet contemplation. You may choose to visit and pray at each garden individually or walk through them as part of a garden tour.
Pick up your Garden Prayer Guide in the parish office, at the bulletin boards in church, or follow along online.