Discover what small groups at All Saints are all about! This event is your chance to experience it first hand!
Couples are invited to celebrate their marriage at our annual Cana Dinner at Brackett’s Crossing Country Club on Saturday evening, February 15.
Start the new year with an 11-week bible study focusing on the book of Revelation beginning January 21.
Liturgical ministers - including lectors, cantors, musicians, communion ministers, and those involved with OCIA - are invited to attend a workshop sponsored by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Ride the bus to visit historic St. Agnes Catholic Church in St. Paul, where you’ll have the opportunity to attend a beautiful Latin Mass.
If you have questions, need encouragement, or would simply like to meet others in the parish, Connect is here for you! Join us on Tuesdays, from 7-8pm now through February 11.
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